HTTP Client Reference

Client Session

Client session is the recommended interface for making HTTP requests.

Session encapsulates connection pool (connector instance) and supports keepalives by default.

Usage example:

import aiohttp
import asyncio

async def fetch(client):
    async with client.get('') as resp:
        assert resp.status == 200
        print(await resp.text())

with aiohttp.ClientSession() as client:

New in version 0.17.

The client session supports context manager protocol for self closing.

class aiohttp.ClientSession(*, connector=None, loop=None, cookies=None, headers=None, skip_auto_headers=None, auth=None, request_class=ClientRequest, response_class=ClientResponse, ws_response_class=ClientWebSocketResponse)[source]

The class for creating client sessions and making requests.

  • connector (aiohttp.connector.BaseConnector) – BaseConnector sub-class instance to support connection pooling.
  • loop

    event loop used for processing HTTP requests.

    If loop is None the constructor borrows it from connector if specified.

    asyncio.get_event_loop() is used for getting default event loop otherwise.

  • cookies (dict) – Cookies to send with the request (optional)
  • headers

    HTTP Headers to send with the request (optional).

    May be either iterable of key-value pairs or Mapping (e.g. dict, CIMultiDict).

  • skip_auto_headers

    set of headers for which autogeneration should be skipped.

    aiohttp autogenerates headers like User-Agent or Content-Type if these headers are not explicitly passed. Using skip_auto_headers parameter allows to skip that generation. Note that Content-Length autogeneration can’t be skipped.

    Iterable of str or upstr (optional)

  • auth (aiohttp.BasicAuth) – an object that represents HTTP Basic Authorization (optional)
  • request_class – Request class implementation. ClientRequest by default.
  • response_class – Response class implementation. ClientResponse by default.
  • ws_response_class

    WebSocketResponse class implementation. ClientWebSocketResponse by default.

    New in version 0.16.

Changed in version 0.16: request_class default changed from None to ClientRequest

Changed in version 0.16: response_class default changed from None to ClientResponse


True if the session has been closed, False otherwise.

A read-only property.


aiohttp.connector.BaseConnector derived instance used for the session.

A read-only property.


The session cookies, http.cookies.SimpleCookie instance.

A read-only property. Overriding session.cookies = new_val is forbidden, but you may modify the object in-place if needed.

coroutine request(method, url, *, params=None, data=None, headers=None, skip_auto_headers=None, auth=None, allow_redirects=True, max_redirects=10, encoding='utf-8', version=HttpVersion(major=1, minor=1), compress=None, chunked=None, expect100=False, read_until_eof=True)[source]

Performs an asynchronous HTTP request. Returns a response object.

  • method (str) – HTTP method
  • url (str) – Request URL
  • params

    Mapping, iterable of tuple of key/value pairs or string to be sent as parameters in the query string of the new request (optional)

    Allowed values are:

  • data – Dictionary, bytes, or file-like object to send in the body of the request (optional)
  • headers (dict) – HTTP Headers to send with the request (optional)
  • skip_auto_headers

    set of headers for which autogeneration should be skipped.

    aiohttp autogenerates headers like User-Agent or Content-Type if these headers are not explicitly passed. Using skip_auto_headers parameter allows to skip that generation.

    Iterable of str or upstr (optional)

  • auth (aiohttp.BasicAuth) – an object that represents HTTP Basic Authorization (optional)
  • allow_redirects (bool) – If set to False, do not follow redirects. True by default (optional).
  • version (aiohttp.protocol.HttpVersion) – Request HTTP version (optional)
  • compress (bool) – Set to True if request has to be compressed with deflate encoding. None by default (optional).
  • chunked (int) – Set to chunk size for chunked transfer encoding. None by default (optional).
  • expect100 (bool) – Expect 100-continue response from server. False by default (optional).
  • read_until_eof (bool) – Read response until EOF if response does not have Content-Length header. True by default (optional).
Return ClientResponse:

a client response object.

coroutine get(url, *, allow_redirects=True, **kwargs)[source]

Perform a GET request.

In order to modify inner request parameters, provide kwargs.

  • url (str) – Request URL
  • allow_redirects (bool) – If set to False, do not follow redirects. True by default (optional).
Return ClientResponse:

a client response object.

coroutine post(url, *, data=None, **kwargs)[source]

Perform a POST request.

In order to modify inner request parameters, provide kwargs.

  • url (str) – Request URL
  • data – Dictionary, bytes, or file-like object to send in the body of the request (optional)
Return ClientResponse:

a client response object.

coroutine put(url, *, data=None, **kwargs)[source]

Perform a PUT request.

In order to modify inner request parameters, provide kwargs.

  • url (str) – Request URL
  • data – Dictionary, bytes, or file-like object to send in the body of the request (optional)
Return ClientResponse:

a client response object.

coroutine delete(url, **kwargs)[source]

Perform a DELETE request.

In order to modify inner request parameters, provide kwargs.

Parameters:url (str) – Request URL
Return ClientResponse:
 a client response object.
coroutine head(url, *, allow_redirects=False, **kwargs)[source]

Perform a HEAD request.

In order to modify inner request parameters, provide kwargs.

  • url (str) – Request URL
  • allow_redirects (bool) – If set to False, do not follow redirects. False by default (optional).
Return ClientResponse:

a client response object.

coroutine options(url, *, allow_redirects=True, **kwargs)[source]

Perform an OPTIONS request.

In order to modify inner request parameters, provide kwargs.

  • url (str) – Request URL
  • allow_redirects (bool) – If set to False, do not follow redirects. True by default (optional).
Return ClientResponse:

a client response object.

coroutine patch(url, *, data=None, **kwargs)[source]

Perform a PATCH request.

In order to modify inner request parameters, provide kwargs.

  • url (str) – Request URL
  • data – Dictionary, bytes, or file-like object to send in the body of the request (optional)
Return ClientResponse:

a client response object.

coroutine ws_connect(url, *, protocols=(), timeout=10.0, auth=None, autoclose=True, autoping=True, origin=None)[source]

Create a websocket connection. Returns a ClientWebSocketResponse object.

  • url (str) – Websocket server url
  • protocols (tuple) – Websocket protocols
  • timeout (float) – Timeout for websocket read. 10 seconds by default
  • auth (aiohttp.BasicAuth) – an object that represents HTTP Basic Authorization (optional)
  • autoclose (bool) – Automatically close websocket connection on close message from server. If autoclose is False them close procedure has to be handled manually
  • autoping (bool) – automatically send pong on ping message from server
  • origin (str) – Origin header to send to server

New in version 0.16: Add ws_connect().

New in version 0.18: Add auth parameter.

New in version 0.19: Add origin parameter.

coroutine close()[source]

Close underlying connector.

Release all acquired resources.

Changed in version 0.21: The method is converted into coroutine (but technically returns a future for keeping backward compatibility during transition period).


Detach connector from session without closing the former.

Session is switched to closed state anyway.

Basic API

While we encourage ClientSession usage we also provide simple coroutines for making HTTP requests.

Basic API is good for performing simple HTTP requests without keepaliving, cookies and complex connection stuff like properly configured SSL certification chaining.

coroutine aiohttp.request(method, url, *, params=None, data=None, headers=None, cookies=None, auth=None, allow_redirects=True, max_redirects=10, encoding='utf-8', version=HttpVersion(major=1, minor=1), compress=None, chunked=None, expect100=False, connector=None, loop=None, read_until_eof=True, request_class=None, response_class=None)[source]

Perform an asynchronous HTTP request. Return a response object (ClientResponse or derived from).

  • method (str) – HTTP method
  • url (str) – Requested URL
  • params (dict) – Parameters to be sent in the query string of the new request (optional)
  • data – Dictionary, bytes, or file-like object to send in the body of the request (optional)
  • headers (dict) – HTTP Headers to send with the request (optional)
  • cookies (dict) – Cookies to send with the request (optional)
  • auth (aiohttp.BasicAuth) – an object that represents HTTP Basic Authorization (optional)
  • allow_redirects (bool) – If set to False, do not follow redirects. True by default (optional).
  • version (aiohttp.protocol.HttpVersion) – Request HTTP version (optional)
  • compress (bool) – Set to True if request has to be compressed with deflate encoding. False instructs aiohttp to not compress data even if the Content-Encoding header is set. Use it when sending pre-compressed data. None by default (optional).
  • chunked (int) – Set to chunk size for chunked transfer encoding. None by default (optional).
  • expect100 (bool) – Expect 100-continue response from server. False by default (optional).
  • connector (aiohttp.connector.BaseConnector) – BaseConnector sub-class instance to support connection pooling.
  • read_until_eof (bool) – Read response until EOF if response does not have Content-Length header. True by default (optional).
  • request_class – Custom Request class implementation (optional)
  • response_class – Custom Response class implementation (optional)
  • loopevent loop used for processing HTTP requests. If param is None, asyncio.get_event_loop() is used for getting default event loop, but we strongly recommend to use explicit loops everywhere. (optional)
Return ClientResponse:

a client response object.


  import aiohttp

  async def fetch():
      async with aiohttp.request('GET', '') as resp:
          assert resp.status == 200
          print(await resp.text())

.. deprecated:: 0.21

   Use :meth:`ClientSession.request`.
coroutine aiohttp.get(url, **kwargs)[source]

Perform a GET request.

  • url (str) – Requested URL.
  • **kwargs – Optional arguments that request() takes.

ClientResponse or derived from

Deprecated since version 0.21: Use ClientSession.get().

coroutine aiohttp.options(url, **kwargs)[source]

Perform a OPTIONS request.

  • url (str) – Requested URL.
  • **kwargs – Optional arguments that request() takes.

ClientResponse or derived from

Deprecated since version 0.21: Use ClientSession.options().

coroutine aiohttp.head(url, **kwargs)[source]

Perform a HEAD request.

  • url (str) – Requested URL.
  • **kwargs – Optional arguments that request() takes.

ClientResponse or derived from

Deprecated since version 0.21: Use ClientSession.head().

coroutine aiohttp.delete(url, **kwargs)[source]

Perform a DELETE request.

  • url (str) – Requested URL.
  • **kwargs – Optional arguments that request() takes.

ClientResponse or derived from

Deprecated since version 0.21: Use ClientSession.delete().

coroutine, *, data=None, **kwargs)[source]

Perform a POST request.

  • url (str) – Requested URL.
  • **kwargs – Optional arguments that request() takes.

ClientResponse or derived from

Deprecated since version 0.21: Use

coroutine aiohttp.put(url, *, data=None, **kwargs)[source]

Perform a PUT request.

  • url (str) – Requested URL.
  • **kwargs – Optional arguments that request() takes.

ClientResponse or derived from

Deprecated since version 0.21: Use ClientSession.put().

coroutine aiohttp.patch(url, *, data=None, **kwargs)[source]

Perform a PATCH request.

  • url (str) – Requested URL.
  • **kwargs – Optional arguments that request() takes.

ClientResponse or derived from

Deprecated since version 0.21: Use ClientSession.patch().

coroutine aiohttp.ws_connect(url, *, protocols=(), timeout=10.0, connector=None, auth=None, ws_response_class=ClientWebSocketResponse, autoclose=True, autoping=True, loop=None, origin=None, headers=None)[source]

This function creates a websocket connection, checks the response and returns a ClientWebSocketResponse object. In case of failure it may raise a WSServerHandshakeError exception.

  • url (str) – Websocket server url
  • protocols (tuple) – Websocket protocols
  • timeout (float) – Timeout for websocket read. 10 seconds by default
  • connector (obj) – object TCPConnector
  • ws_response_class

    WebSocketResponse class implementation. ClientWebSocketResponse by default.

    New in version 0.16.

  • autoclose (bool) – Automatically close websocket connection on close message from server. If autoclose is False them close procedure has to be handled manually
  • autoping (bool) – Automatically send pong on ping message from server
  • auth (aiohttp.helpers.BasicAuth) – BasicAuth named tuple that represents HTTP Basic Authorization (optional)
  • loop

    event loop used for processing HTTP requests.

    If param is None asyncio.get_event_loop() used for getting default event loop, but we strongly recommend to use explicit loops everywhere.

  • origin (str) – Origin header to send to server
  • headersdict, CIMultiDict or CIMultiDictProxy for providing additional headers for websocket handshake request.

New in version 0.18: Add auth parameter.

New in version 0.19: Add origin parameter.

New in version 0.20: Add headers parameter.

Deprecated since version 0.21: Use ClientSession.ws_connect().


Connectors are transports for aiohttp client API.

There are standard connectors:

  1. TCPConnector for regular TCP sockets (both HTTP and HTTPS schemes supported).
  2. ProxyConnector for connecting via HTTP proxy.
  3. UnixConnector for connecting via UNIX socket (it’s used mostly for testing purposes).

All connector classes should be derived from BaseConnector.

By default all connectors except ProxyConnector support keep-alive connections (behavior is controlled by force_close constructor’s parameter).


class aiohttp.BaseConnector(*, conn_timeout=None, keepalive_timeout=30, limit=None, share_cookies=False, force_close=False, loop=None)[source]

Base class for all connectors.

  • conn_timeout (float) – timeout for connection establishing (optional). Values 0 or None mean no timeout.
  • keepalive_timeout (float) – timeout for connection reusing after releasing (optional). Values 0 or None mean no timeout.
  • limit (int) – limit for simultaneous connections to the same endpoint. Endpoints are the same if they are have equal (host, port, is_ssl) triple. If limit is None the connector has no limit.
  • share_cookies (bool) – update cookies on connection processing (optional, deprecated).
  • force_close (bool) – do close underlying sockets after connection releasing (optional).
  • loopevent loop used for handling connections. If param is None, asyncio.get_event_loop() is used for getting default event loop, but we strongly recommend to use explicit loops everywhere. (optional)

Deprecated since version 0.15.2: share_cookies parameter is deprecated, use ClientSession for handling cookies for client connections.


Read-only property, True if connector is closed.


Read-only property, True if connector should ultimately close connections on releasing.

New in version 0.16.


The limit for simultaneous connections to the same endpoint.

Endpoints are the same if they are have equal (host, port, is_ssl) triple.

If limit is None the connector has no limit (default).

Read-only property.

New in version 0.16.

coroutine close()[source]

Close all opened connections.

Changed in version 0.21: The method is converted into coroutine (but technically returns a future for keeping backward compatibility during transition period).

coroutine connect(request)[source]

Get a free connection from pool or create new one if connection is absent in the pool.

The call may be paused if limit is exhausted until used connections returns to pool.

Parameters:request (aiohttp.client.ClientRequest) – request object which is connection initiator.
Returns:Connection object.
coroutine _create_connection(req)[source]

Abstract method for actual connection establishing, should be overridden in subclasses.


class aiohttp.TCPConnector(*, verify_ssl=True, fingerprint=None, use_dns_cache=False, family=0, ssl_context=None, conn_timeout=None, keepalive_timeout=30, limit=None, share_cookies=False, force_close=False, loop=None, local_addr=None)[source]

Connector for working with HTTP and HTTPS via TCP sockets.

The most common transport. When you don’t know what connector type to use, use a TCPConnector instance.

TCPConnector inherits from BaseConnector.

Constructor accepts all parameters suitable for BaseConnector plus several TCP-specific ones:

  • verify_ssl (bool) – Perform SSL certificate validation for HTTPS requests (enabled by default). May be disabled to skip validation for sites with invalid certificates.
  • fingerprint (bytes) –

    Pass the binary MD5, SHA1, or SHA256 digest of the expected certificate in DER format to verify that the certificate the server presents matches. Useful for certificate pinning.

    New in version 0.16.

  • use_dns_cache (bool) –

    use internal cache for DNS lookups, False by default.

    Enabling an option may speedup connection establishing a bit but may introduce some side effects also.

    New in version 0.17.

  • resolve (bool) –

    alias for use_dns_cache parameter.

    Deprecated since version 0.17.

  • family (int) –
    TCP socket family, both IPv4 and IPv6 by default.
    For IPv4 only use socket.AF_INET, for IPv6 only – socket.AF_INET6.

    Changed in version 0.18: family is 0 by default, that means both IPv4 and IPv6 are accepted. To specify only concrete version please pass socket.AF_INET or socket.AF_INET6 explicitly.

  • ssl_context (ssl.SSLContext) –

    ssl context used for processing HTTPS requests (optional).

    ssl_context may be used for configuring certification authority channel, supported SSL options etc.

  • local_addr (tuple) –

    tuple of (local_host, local_port) used to bind socket locally if specified.

    New in version 0.21.


Check ssl certifications if True.

Read-only bool property.


ssl.SSLContext instance for https requests, read-only property.


TCP socket family e.g. socket.AF_INET or socket.AF_INET6

Read-only property.


Use quick lookup in internal DNS cache for host names if True.

Read-only bool property.

New in version 0.17.


Alias for dns_cache.

Deprecated since version 0.17.


The cache of resolved hosts if dns_cache is enabled.

Read-only types.MappingProxyType property.

New in version 0.17.


Alias for cached_hosts

Deprecated since version 0.17.


MD5, SHA1, or SHA256 hash of the expected certificate in DER format, or None if no certificate fingerprint check required.

Read-only bytes property.

New in version 0.16.

clear_dns_cache(self, host=None, port=None)[source]

Clear internal DNS cache.

Remove specific entry if both host and port are specified, clear all cache otherwise.

New in version 0.17.

clear_resolved_hosts(self, host=None, port=None)[source]

Alias for clear_dns_cache().

Deprecated since version 0.17.


class aiohttp.ProxyConnector(proxy, *, proxy_auth=None, conn_timeout=None, keepalive_timeout=30, limit=None, share_cookies=False, force_close=True, loop=None)[source]

HTTP Proxy connector.

Use ProxyConnector for sending HTTP/HTTPS requests through HTTP proxy.

ProxyConnector is inherited from TCPConnector.


conn == ProxyConnector(proxy="")
session = ClientSession(connector=conn)
async with session.get('') as resp:
    assert resp.status == 200

Constructor accepts all parameters suitable for TCPConnector plus several proxy-specific ones:

  • proxy (str) – URL for proxy, e.g. "".
  • proxy_auth (aiohttp.BasicAuth) – basic authentication info used for proxies with authorization.


ProxyConnector in opposite to all other connectors doesn’t support keep-alives by default (force_close is True).

Changed in version 0.16: force_close parameter changed to True by default.


Proxy URL, read-only str property.


Proxy authentication info, read-only BasicAuth property or None for proxy without authentication.

New in version 0.16.


class aiohttp.UnixConnector(path, *, conn_timeout=None, keepalive_timeout=30, limit=None, share_cookies=False, force_close=False, loop=None)[source]

Unix socket connector.

Use ProxyConnector for sending HTTP/HTTPS requests through UNIX Sockets as underlying transport.

UNIX sockets are handy for writing tests and making very fast connections between processes on the same host.

UnixConnector is inherited from BaseConnector.


conn = UnixConnector(path='/path/to/socket')
session = ClientSession(connector=conn)
async with session.get('') as resp:

Constructor accepts all parameters suitable for BaseConnector plus UNIX-specific one:

Parameters:path (str) – Unix socket path

Path to UNIX socket, read-only str property.


class aiohttp.Connection

Encapsulates single connection in connector object.

End user should never create Connection instances manually but get it by BaseConnector.connect() coroutine.


bool read-only property, True if connection was closed, released or detached.


Event loop used for connection


Close connection with forcibly closing underlying socket.


Release connection back to connector.

Underlying socket is not closed, the connection may be reused later if timeout (30 seconds by default) for connection was not expired.


Detach underlying socket from connection.

Underlying socket is not closed, next close() or release() calls don’t return socket to free pool.

Response object

class aiohttp.ClientResponse[source]

Client response returned be ClientSession.request() and family.

User never creates the instance of ClientResponse class but gets it from API calls.

ClientResponse supports async context manager protocol, e.g.:

resp = await client_session.get(url)
async with resp:
    assert resp.status == 200

After exiting from async with block response object will be released (see release() coroutine).

New in version 0.18: Support for async with.


Response’s version, HttpVersion instance.


HTTP status code of response (int), e.g. 200.


HTTP status reason of response (str), e.g. "OK".


Host part of requested url (str).


Request’s method (str).


URL of request (str).


Connection used for handling response.


Payload stream, contains response’s BODY (StreamReader compatible instance, most likely FlowControlStreamReader one).


HTTP cookies of response (Set-Cookie HTTP header, SimpleCookie).


A case-insensitive multidict proxy with HTTP headers of response, CIMultiDictProxy.


HTTP headers of response as unconverted bytes, a sequence of (key, value) pairs.


A Sequence of ClientResponse objects of preceding requests if there were redirects, an empty sequence otherwise.


Close response and underlying connection.

For keep-alive support see release().

coroutine read()[source]

Read the whole response’s body as bytes.

Close underlying connection if data reading gets an error, release connection otherwise.

Return bytes:read BODY.

See also

close(), release().

coroutine release()[source]

Finish response processing, release underlying connection and return it into free connection pool for re-usage by next upcoming request.

coroutine text(encoding=None)[source]

Read response’s body and return decoded str using specified encoding parameter.

If encoding is None content encoding is autocalculated using cchardet or chardet as fallback if cchardet is not available.

Close underlying connection if data reading gets an error, release connection otherwise.

Parameters:encoding (str) – text encoding used for BODY decoding, or None for encoding autodetection (default).
Return str:decoded BODY
coroutine json(encoding=None, loads=json.loads)[source]

Read response’s body as JSON, return dict using specified encoding and loader.

If encoding is None content encoding is autocalculated using cchardet or chardet as fallback if cchardet is not available.

Close underlying connection if data reading gets an error, release connection otherwise.

  • encoding (str) – text encoding used for BODY decoding, or None for encoding autodetection (default).
  • loads (callable) – callable() used for loading JSON data, json.loads() by default.

BODY as JSON data parsed by loads parameter or None if BODY is empty or contains white-spaces only.


To connect to a websocket server aiohttp.ws_connect() or aiohttp.ClientSession.ws_connect() coroutines should be used, do not create an instance of class ClientWebSocketResponse manually.

class aiohttp.ClientWebSocketResponse

Class for handling client-side websockets.


Read-only property, True if close() has been called of MSG_CLOSE message has been received from peer.


Websocket subprotocol chosen after start() call.

May be None if server and client protocols are not overlapping.


Returns exception if any occurs or returns None.


Send MSG_PING to peer.

Parameters:message – optional payload of ping message, str (converted to UTF-8 encoded bytes) or bytes.

Send data to peer as MSG_TEXT message.

Parameters:data (str) – data to send.
Raises:TypeError – if data is not str

Send data to peer as MSG_BINARY message.

Parameters:data – data to send.
Raises:TypeError – if data is not bytes, bytearray or memoryview.
coroutine close(*, code=1000, message=b'')

A coroutine that initiates closing handshake by sending MSG_CLOSE message. It waits for close response from server. It add timeout to close() call just wrap call with asyncio.wait() or asyncio.wait_for().

  • code (int) – closing code
  • message – optional payload of pong message, str (converted to UTF-8 encoded bytes) or bytes.
coroutine receive()

A coroutine that waits upcoming data message from peer and returns it.

The coroutine implicitly handles MSG_PING, MSG_PONG and MSG_CLOSE without returning the message.

It process ping-pong game and performs closing handshake internally.

Returns:Message, tp is types of ~aiohttp.MsgType



class aiohttp.BasicAuth(login, password='', encoding='latin1')[source]

HTTP basic authentication helper.

  • login (str) – login
  • password (str) – password
  • encoding (str) – encoding (‘latin1’ by default)

Should be used for specifying authorization data in client API, e.g. auth parameter for ClientSession.request().


Encode credentials into string suitable for Authorization header etc.

Returns:encoded authentication data, str.
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